Syed Adnan Tameem 2B – ICWR Award

Syed Adnan Tameem of Chennai Public School, Anna Nagar, started solving Rubik`s cube as a hobby to keep himself away from digital devices.

What started as a hobby has now become a passion for speedcubing.

Adnan`s first attempt at a Cubing Championship competition held by Tamil Nadu Cube Association on 23th Sep 2023, landed him 2nd runner-up for the 2*2 Rubik`s cube puzzle.

This encouraged him to participate in the Ingenious Charm World Record (ICWR) attempt for most people solving Pyraminx Puzzle cube simultaneously, both online and offline, organized by the Tamil Nadu Cube Association on 26th Nov 2023.

Adnan received the ICWR award on February 4, 2024, at the Prestigious Award Ceremony, where he was honored by esteemed dignitaries for his exceptional achievement in Speedcubing.